Sunday, February 28, 2010

Does Your Soul Love Water

If your soul loves water, Galway City is a place that could do you some good! I have never been in a place where water takes so many forms. There is the quiet water of the lochs (lakes) which reflect the mountains like giant mirrors. There is the rhythm of the ocean with the tides sneaking in and out. And then there is the Corrib River and all its streams.

They claim that the Corrib is the shortest and most powerful river in Europe. Galway is built around and on the river, and I mean literally on the river. Many buildings are constructed so that the river flows under them. Mustard’s is one of our favorite restaurants. We love to sit at the table next to the window where we can watch a branch of the river actually flowing under us. The water was once used to drive the water wheel of a mill, which still turns about 10 feet from our table.

But you can’t get the full effect of the rushing water here without hearing it. All up and down the river walkway the sound of the falling water is ever present. Unlike my native Ohio, it is crystal clear and shiny in the sun. That’s why I have included a video instead my customary photos in this blog.

And, of course, no blog from Ireland with sound would be complete with someone playing the Irish tin whistle. This young man is playing on Shop Street which always has a variety of musicians performing with their open instrument cases serving double duty as collection plates.

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