Thursday, February 11, 2010

Life by the Sea

In my 59 years, I've never really lived by water before and I find myself caught up in this thalassic infatuation. In the evening just before the sun is setting, I have to run out and take a quick walk along the water. And I am putting way to many pictures of Galway Bay into this blog! But here is one more. It was taken about 4:30 pm, maybe 45 mintues before sunset. It was a cool, sunny day and the wind calm, so the sea was asleep in its bed and sending little ripple breaths across the bay.

I am also in wonder of the tides. How is it that such a force can be in operation that millions of tons of water are snuck in and out of this bay every day and I am totally unaware of it. How many such forces are at work all around me to which I have no sensitivity? Which leads me to one of my favorite poems:

I am the bird that flutters against your window in the morning,
and your closest friend, whom you can never know,
blossoms that light up for the blind.

I am the glacier shining over the woods, so pale,
and heavy voices from the cathedral tower.
The thought that suddenly hits you in the middle of the day
and makes you feel so fantastically happy.

I am the one you have loved for many years.
I walk beside you all day and look intently at you
and put my mouth against your heart
though you're not aware of it.

I am your third arm, and your second
shadow, the white one,
whom you cannot accept,
and who can never forget you.

Guardian Angel
Rolf Jacobsen

Perhaps your guardian angel is part of a spiritual tide moving things in and out of your way. But all you see is the face of your friend.

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