Sunday, April 11, 2010

What It Takes to Climb a Mountain

First you need to find a good mountain to climb. There! That little mountain beside the pretty yellow bush should be one we can make short work of.

Then you need to make sure you have the necessary mountain climbing gear. In this case that would include an Ohio State sweatshirt with hood, a pair of blue, non reflective jeans, and a pair of trendy sunglasses.

But it's not just the clothes required to climb a mountain. It is an attitude you must put on. Notice the stern demeanor, the snarled lip, the determined stance. That's what it takes.

(Pay no attention to the sign. It was not just a hill! It wasn't!)

Next, you must study the local fauna and flora to identify threats that might be encountered on the way. In this particular part of Ireland, there are killer ponies wondering about the mountains. To deal with this threat, Shawn and I magically turned ourselves into ponies to avoid detection.

The next thing you have to do is build a walkway across the bog. Bogs can be very dangerous if you fall into them and besides that they get your nice shoes all muddy.

Here is Fe testing out the newly built walkway. (By the time we finished, others were using it too.)

Every now and then you have to turn around and take a picture of what is below you.

Of course, we couldn't have conquered the mountain alone without the help of two native guides. Here you need seasoned mountaineers who are serious and know the dangers that lurk around every bend in the rocky trail.

Of course, when you are blazing a trail up a mountain, you have to keep those in mind who may follow in your brave steps. Half way up the mountain we paused to set up a pilgrimage spot for sissy Protestants who can't make it all the way to the top. That's the sissy Protestant on the right.

Fe at the top of the mountain. We photo shopped a child into the background to make it look like the mountain was really easy and keep Fe humble.

Fe still wasn't humble so we photo shopped in some more.

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